How to wear a sweatshirt

Comfy and casual, the sweatshirt is my go to look for being comfortable and hanging out. Jeans and a sweatshirt was pretty much my uniform in high school.  Back then I was too afraid to stand out and wear something a little more trendy. Thank goodness things have changed.

Because sweatshirts are so simple and basic I decided to pair them with something that make them stand out just a little bit more.

The first outfit features a simple sweatshirt that says ‘Love Young, Love Forever’ and a pair of faded black jeans, combat boots, and an infinity scarf.  The boots and scarf  add a little style to a simple look.

The second outfit features a very adorable Bambi sweater paired over a long sleeve flannel shirt.  One of my favorite things about this fall is layering collared shirt over sweaters or sweatshirts.  It gives added warmth and a little more style to an otherwise simple outfit.

The third outfit is a basic hoodie with a vest over it.   I paired it with some snow boots because it was channeling a very outdoorsy look.  I want to go camping or hiking in this outfit.


How to wear a sweatshirt